Starting some daily-ish writing & also today's cartoon

Love You Friend.jpg

I’ve started doing some writing when ever i’m on the tram to work. Just trying to get more practice and getting my mind use to thinking freely.


A hollow glance to the left. I believe for a second that I am aware. But straight back to my reflection. Do I actually meet people’s gaze? Or do I just catch my own in the mirror.

Should I be concerned, or is existence simply refractions and reflections. I've met those who truly are present, who see the world... They are all broken. I can feel myself crumble slowly.

Every time I focus forward I lose another part of myself. But perhaps I still am confusing form with contour. I see lines i have drawn, but I never see the true shape of things. And perhaps I never will.

Though I must try, blink once more and focus. Question what I see, and accept my vision for what it is.

My truth and ever changing.


So yeah, will be posting more of this on days I don’t have cartoons to share I reckon.


Coprolalia #55 - A Wonka of a Time


The flame....