Latest news/noise
Frog Cult - New EP by Melbourne Sympathy Orchestra
New music out from Melbourne hip-hop duo, Melbourne Sympathy Orchetra (Jason & myself)
Hope you enjoy!
Original cover art by myself
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - Scrapbooking in the Digital Age
Are you actively consuming art and media or passively? How can you connect your work to the world around you in a deeper way? The mentalities of old-school scrapbooking could help.
Also, what's all this about a “blood book”?
New prints available! Birds + restock of other prints
New prints available! ‘Birds Like Us’ Jeremy & Esmeralda
So bloody happy with these drawings and how they come out printed. Hound & Bone Printers do such amazing work!
Also got Honey Pot & Brisk restocked. Only two of each available.
The Glastonbury Tor - Tattoo design for my Mum
My mum trusted me to design a tattoo for her of the Glastonbury Tor! Had a blast doing this style!
Thanks Ma
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - Why do you make art? - In response to Suno
The majority of people don't enjoy the majority of the time they spend making - Mikey Shulman, CEO @Suno
Why do you make art? How do you find your passion and curiosity? I've got three questions that I ask myself for new projects and mediums that might help you as well
All the Noise - New Single by Melbourne Sympathy Orchestra
New single out by my new hip-hop duo, Melbourne Sympathy Orchestra!
Duo is myself and Jason. Enjoy some odd ball hip-hop.
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - A.I or Corporate Greed
Which service or platform have you seen fall prey to A.I slop? Is this the end of the internet as we know it or just the end of a chapter?
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - Nine Sols: Keeping Difficulty Thematic
Do you play difficult video games for the storylines? Is the experience of those storylines and lore improved by the game being difficult? Rambling about Nine Sols, Dark Souls, Pathologic 2 and difficulty in video games.
Sticks & Stones EP - New EP by Rhath & Superstructure
My hip-hop band, Rhath & Superstructure has it’s debut EP out now!
Featuring production from STNZA, guitar from Mat Farry and bass & vocals from myself.
Hope you enjoy!
Original cover photo by the true legend, my mum.
Prints are now available! Very short runs
Going to try doing some very short-run prints of my favourite pieces as I go. Available through the Vibe Union store!
Two of each of these are up at the moment. If you like my stuff and would like to grab one, it would mean the world!
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - You Get a Million Shots at This
How many times can it go wrong? Will you ruin your reputation or just be forgotten, allowing you to try again?
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - I can’t come to the phone right now
Do you feel a semblance of guilt in disconnecting from social media and personal contact? How does that play into your creativity and focus?
The Merri Creatures - Cherry Season (A Christmas Folk Song)
I wrote a Christmas folk song…. and Kelsey and I decided for it to be the debut of our duo, The Merri Creatures.
Have a listen. Hope you have a good holiday season full of beer, food and turmoil.
Queen of the Lamp - Digital Illustration
Batter and beat against the light, driven by an ancient nature.
We were never meant to fly this close.
New Podcast Episode Out Now! - Dualities in Creative Advice
There is always another path, always alternate advice. Are we giving advice to convince others or ourselves that we know the correct path.
How Fitting - Poem
Shift your depth of field to distant horizon
My blurred skin, words and limbs left lifeless
A River - Poem
Beneath your feet are temples, tombs; valleys, mounds and ash
You may make a home here, for a while, ‘fore this path becomes a river