A weekly creative podcast/journal where I talk a load of shit about art, music and more.

Trying to get the thoughts out of my head, and make creativity as approachable for all as possible.

Rhath Rhath

EP78 - Scrapbooking in the Digital Age

Are you actively consuming art and media or passively? How can you connect your work to the world around you in a deeper way? The mentalities of old-school scrapbooking could help.
Also, what's all this about a “blood book”?

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Rhath Rhath

EP76 - Why do you make art? - In response to Suno

The majority of people don't enjoy the majority of the time they spend making - Mikey Shulman, CEO @Suno

Why do you make art? How do you find your passion and curiosity? I've got three questions that I ask myself for new projects and mediums that might help you as well.

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Rhath Rhath

EP76 - A.I or Corporate Greed

Which service or platform have you seen fall prey to A.I slop? Is this the end of the internet as we know it or just the end of a chapter?

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Rhath Rhath

EP70 - It's ok to be mid-tier

Are you comparing yourself to the greats? Is it unreasonable to compare your indie projects to large studio productions? Of course it is, mate. Find your place to experiment and take the pressure off.

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Rhath Rhath

EP69 - I gave my baby away

Got some ramblings today about letting go of a project. When is your ego fuelling a project, and when is it hindering it?

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Rhath Rhath

EP68 - NATOarts - Art is War

What does an experimental electronic record from the 90’s have to do with NATO? And what does it have in common with a group of Russian artists painting landscapes in disputed Japanese territory?

I’ve gone down a bit of a rabbit hole today about propaganda, world-building in music, and the role art plays in politics.


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Rhath Rhath

EP67 - Do I have what it takes?

Do you need to have lofty dreams when making art? Do you need to hold on to the dreams you had when you were young? Do you have the capacity to market your music?

Just questioning a few things in my head on this episode.

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Rhath Rhath

EP66 - Staying Creative When You're Down

Had a rubbish week last week, but was weirdly productive at the same time. Thought I'd talk about that. Trying to have the self awareness to know when a depressive episode will pass in due time.

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Rhath Rhath

EP65 - This is all working to something bigger

How do you stay focused on the small tasks rather than being daunted by the larger project you're working towards? And how do all the different things you do fit together to make a larger piece or goal?

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Rhath Rhath

EP64 - The Dead Internet - A.I Cleanse

Are you talking to a real person? Who made that piece of art? Are we about to lose our grip of reality on the internet?

Maybe, or perhaps a.i will act as a cleanser by destroying social media platforms, and we’ll start over. I have a muse about that on this episode.

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Rhath Rhath

EP63 - Creative Retreat vs Creative Routine

Is it more effective to dedicate a large chunk of time to being creative? A creative retreat. Or, make creativity part of your daily routine? I'm sure it's different for everyone, but let's have a chat about what works.

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Rhath Rhath

EP62 - Let Art Change Your Life

It's sort of a non-issue really, but how do you choose what to read/play/watch next? How do you find those pieces of art that are going to change your life? Or more likely, should you not worry about that?

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Rhath Rhath

EP61 - Find out what you DON'T want to do

How do you figure out what you want to do? I think it's often easier to work out what you DON'T want to do.

Talking about taking breaks on large projects, and finding where you truly feel at home creatively.

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Rhath Rhath

EP60 - You Should Be Journaling

You should start a website/podcast/youtube channel. Some musings today on the idea of ‘too much content’ vs using the internet as a giant collective scrapbook.

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