A weekly creative podcast/journal where I talk a load of shit about art, music and more.
Trying to get the thoughts out of my head, and make creativity as approachable for all as possible.
EP58 - The World is Chaos (Can you feel comfort in that?)
It’s been a nuts few weeks around the world. In the chaos, do you feel comfort in knowing change can happen quickly, or are you overwhelmed by it all?
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
― Lenin
EP57 - I Quit My Job (Because I'm Dramatic)
When does a job mean more than just the hours you're doing? How do you check in on yourself to realise when it's time to make a change?
EP56 - Put Your Politics in Your Art
Some thoughts about political music, and me personally getting more political in art. Do you like political art? Has politics ruined your favourite art?
EP55 - GORSE (Genus: Ulex)
It's fascinating to me to find out when good and bad character traits have come from the same place. Today's episode is a personal story about a weed that has taken over Victoria here in Australia.
EP54 - Art is not for profit
Going over a few stories I've found recently where art and information is made less accessible thanks to capitalism.
Should art be pay-walled? Should it always be free?
Some questions I'm musing over today.
EP53 - Why Did the Algorithm Bring Me Here?
What strange, dark corners of the internet are you being dragged down into? And is it all doom and gloom down there? I think not. I've found some wonderous, strange creatures/videos in the depths.
EP52 - Drowning in the Creative Ocean
The tools to create are cheaper and more accessible than ever. The means of getting your work out there are cheaper and more accessible than ever. This is obviously a good thing, but does it also mean we're destined to drown in the 'ocean' of art and content as creators?
EP51 - Post-mortem Fame
Is it a happy ending if your work gains critical acclaim after you die? Is framing fame as "success" terrible for your mental health as an artist while you're alive? Is Nick Drake good, or do people like him just because he's dead? Some questions I try to answer on this podcast. Enjoy
EP50 - A moment of quiet
I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how my brain works, what productivity tricks work for me. And it's been super effective. But how much damage to our well being are these tricks to be more productive doing to us? I have a yarn about that.
EP49 - We're all just making collage
Clag, paper, cuttings and anything else. Breaking down the core concepts of collage, makes it sound like every other art form is basically a variation of it. Taking ideas, symbols, what have you and sticking them together. And is that what A.I is doing? What's the difference between what we do and A.I?
EP48 - Better practiced or just grown up?
Been musing on the thought of growth as an artist. It can be hard to measure how you're progressing in your practice. But perhaps even harder, and more importantly, how you're growing as a person.
EP47 - Say yes now, panic later
It CAN be potentially foolhardy, but one approach I like to getting into things is saying 'Yep, I can do that", then panic later. However, it could get you into trouble when not being able to deliver on a project.
EP46 - Keeping up your creative momentum
I talk a lot on here at moving at your own pace. But then I also counter that myself with how fast I move, there is something to be said about keeping your creative momentum up.
EP45 - Baby steps and landmarks
Naturally, it's hard to see the progress you're making until you step back. I think this goes for your confidence and mental health as well. I chat about that for a while coming off my first stand up comedy set.
EP44- We're all in this shit
Today I go on a rant about venues as a musician, but really, I'm angry at the finger pointing from everyone involved. Hospitality and the music industry suck, how can we make it better?
EP43- Start now so you can do it forever
No final goals, no plans. Just excited to keep making shit until the day I die. That's the mentality I'm trying to cultivate for myself and it was reinforced by seeing Rickie Lee Jones last night.
EP42- The infinite different paths to "success"
There is no right way to make or market your art, especially now. There are tricks, I don't know them, but I've heard they're out there. But I find the lack of a rigid pathway exciting.
EP41 - Fighting Against Your Tools
I like to work quickly, and efficiently. Not to necessarily squeeze every second out of every day, but rather because my brain gets so easily frustrated fighting with the tools. So I try to shorten the path between A and B from project creation to completion. In this episode, I fight with a new mic. It pissed me off. Enjoy.
EP40 - The fear of being cringe
It's a funny thing, battling the need to create while also being terrified of being judged for it. Cringe is a particular fear of mine, one that I think debilitates me considerably.
EP39 - Your soul is in the box
Is it insane to tie our lives so closely to our devices? These tools are like nothing that has come before in human history, so perhaps it makes a lot of sense....