A weekly creative podcast/journal where I talk a load of shit about art, music and more.

Trying to get the thoughts out of my head, and make creativity as approachable for all as possible.

Rhath Rhath

EP36 - The absurd nature of a plague

Did some reading, running with the theme of the plague from Pathologic. 'The Plague' by Albert Camus. And it got me thinking of the repetition in humanity's response to terrible events.

I drink wine while talking about it. It's loose.

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Rhath Rhath

EP34 - Fuelling the Fire

I've been trying to make some changes to the type of content I consume lately. I have a bit of a ramble about being more intentional with what you're watching/listening to/reading in order to inspire more creativity.

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Rhath Rhath

EP33 - The gruelling side of your creative practice

Sometimes you can recognise when something is not worth doing. When part of the creative process is not at all enjoyable, maybe there is a way around it. But then, parts of it are perhaps supposed to be gruelling. Maybe. I riff on that for a bit on today's episode.

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Rhath Rhath

EP31 - Is it good or just unique?

Obviously, talent is integral to standing out and creating convincing art. But is it more important than making unique art for you? Is being incredibly skilled or being incredibly creative more rewarding?

I don't have an answer here but I certainly talk about it for a while on this podcast.

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Rhath Rhath

EP29 - A sense of movement, not necessarily progress

I suppose a sense of progress and growth suggests an end goal. Of course, having a goal is a good thing, but allowing yourself to simply be 'moving forward' is extremely freeing.

Not in all things, but mostly, you're allowed to just exist.

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Rhath Rhath

EP28 - Pride and self-doubt coexist

So I had my album launch last week, and it was a blast! I loved playing with the band, and the support was so heart warming. But naturally, there is always a mixed bag of feelings when releasing something. I have a bit of an explore of those mixed feelings on today's episode.

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Rhath Rhath

EP27 - Excited for the chaos of live performance

It's good to prepare, and I should honestly practice a lot more for live performances. But one particular part I like to be prepared for is the unexpected. It's the part of live performance I enjoy the most while also being the most terrified of. The chaos and unpredictable nature of seeing what the fuck happens on stage.

Today's episode is me trying to calm my nerves before my album launch. Enjoy

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Rhath Rhath

EP26 - Do you need a clear outcome?

A goal can be useful as a compass, but do you need to have your final outcome set in stone? The world is chaotic and impossibly complex, as is a creative venture. I riff on the idea of focusing on the underlying driving principles rather than having 'it all figured out".

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Rhath Rhath

EP24 - Your worst performances will be forgotten

Who has the highest expectations for themselves? Is it you? Yeah, of course it is. Which I think just means you give a shit. And when you do a 'bad' performance, it means you know you can do better. No one else has the context of your head to frame that performance in, and in the worst-case scenario, they'll simply forget it.

I mused on that for a while on today's episode. Enjoy

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Rhath Rhath

EP23 - Make your pretentious art... approachable?

Hello. I do sell a lot of wank, don't I.

I've been thinking about making approachable art or being very selective with the audience you seek for your projects. Where do your interests take you, or how do you find yourself naturally communicating?


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Rhath Rhath

EP22 - Individualism vs community effort

It's amazing what one person can do, but it pales in comparison to what a community can do. Be it working on a project by yourself or enacting political change.

I have a yarn about that in this episode. Enjoy

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Rhath Rhath

EP20 - Fuck grind mindset... but work hard if you want to

I've been very manic lately and have been really enjoying it. Something about my brain at the moment is allowing me to work really hard in a very excited and joyful way....

But that's just for now. Maintaining this forever is not possible or useful.

I rant about this and jump around a lot to other topics on this episode, so buckle up or skip it.

Love ya

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Rhath Rhath

EP19 - Is your project greater than it's weakest parts?

When you're working on a project, it's obviously very easy to focus on the parts you doubt the most. But maybe it's best to focus on your strengths and allow your weak points to just be good enough to play their role.

Some thoughts on it. Podcast time. You get it.


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