Tabletop Blog 1 - Insulation Foam in the Wind


First of all, I haven’t used this blog in ages…. there has been a lot of updates since. Go check out my music section and visual section for everything.

In the meantime, I’ll try and keep things updated here as I make new shit!

Alright, so I had to start documenting what I've been building properly. This year so far has a been a good year for getting in a really creative mood, and I think making stuff for the tabletop has helped that. Having something to do that's really just for me and also hands on, keeps me moving. Keep the cogs ticking.

So I bought a cheap pack of XPS foam or insulation foam, looked through a box of junk and started building a windmill. I'm so bloody proud of it as my first big build! Really set the tone for what I want to do going forward with all this.

Got some of the first minis I painted up for Forbidden Psalm as well, being mostly Frostgrave kits.

Hope you dig, drop a comment and question if you do.

I'm really into the idea at the moment of bringing all my creative projects together in some way, so that's what I'm doing here. No schedule, just as I make shit.


New Podcast Episode Out Now! - When the bloody hell is your art finished?
