A weekly creative podcast/journal where I talk a load of shit about art, music and more.
Trying to get the thoughts out of my head, and make creativity as approachable for all as possible.
EP12 - Sticking to your schedule, as perhaps, a form of therapy?
Well, bloody hell, today I had nothing. Or rather, I started with nothing, and found something. There is something to be said about sticking to your schedule and getting over that first hurdle.
But is it healthy?
Let’s have a chat about that.
EP11 - Communicating your creative limitations to people. How do?
Been musing on the same shit recently I have for a few weeks, making money from creativity. But having a chat with someone recently got me thinking clearer about why I might be struggling with it. Coming to terms with your limitations and communicating that with people.
So I riff on that for a while. Have a listen if ya want.
EP10 - Trying to embrace the meditative side of creating
Even as someone who makes art for basically no cash, I still get caught up in trying to turn everything into content. I mean, that's just the way of social media and capitalism, yada yada, but I'd like to embrace creating for the sake of creating more. Anyway, I rambled on about that for a while. Have a listen.
EP9 - How do you show conviction in your art?
The bloody hardest part of performing art is convincing the audience that you believe in what you're doing. At least that's what I've found. I think I'm getting better at that, though, and I talk about it on this episode... also the first half, I coughed a lot, so I'm sorry about that. Ok, enjoy, bye.
EP8 - Getting inspired by your mates art
Why do we share our art? I think I've got a few insecurities around my sense of value as a person connected with my creative output.... BUT I also love being inspired by mates art and want to inspire other mates.
In this episode I also create a tier list of basic human needs, so that was silly. I think I forgot water as well.... oops.
Alright, catch ya next time.
EP7 - Making money off art... I'm bloody terrible at it
We all want to get paid for our work, obviously. But then we’re scared of ‘selling out’, and some are ‘hustlers’ who monetize everything and suck the life out of it. I dunno, I don’t know how I feel, but I ran my mouth for half an hour about it. Have a listen.
Also I have more tram gripes.
EP6 - Sunk-cost fallacy and identifying as your projects
So I've been thinking about those situations lately when you no longer care about a project or just get in a creative funk for a little bit. When you've poured your heart, soul, and time into something and then... lose interest. That can be crushing, but it probably doesn't have to be.
EP5 - When the bloody hell is your art finished?
Is it when the audience hears it? When it releases? When you lose your emotional connection to it in the final editing stage? When is art finished?
I dunno. Uh, I struggle to work on long form art projects, so I rambled on about that for a while. Enjoy.
EP4 - Do you feel part of your creative community?
Do you need to feel part of the community? Do you need to be a social butterfly to get your art out there? I dunno, but I definitely struggle being really social constantly while out and about. Let's have a chat about it. Well, I'm going to talk about it, you can listen and then comment. It's a podcast, you get it.
EP3 - So what the hell do you actually write about?
Marketing sucks. I hate it, and I'm sure most of you do to. But it's something I think about a lot given it's so important to getting your work out there. But I'm trying to figure out a way I can do it with sincerity. This episode is mostly about that.
EP2 - Can I market my work sincerely?
Marketing sucks. I hate it, and I'm sure most of you do to. But it's something I think about a lot given it's so important to getting your work out there. But I'm trying to figure out a way I can do it with sincerity. This episode is mostly about that.
EP1 - Finishing Your Art After Losing Interest
So this is episode one of my new solo podcast. A place where I just spew out whatever is in my head about art, the world and you know, other stuff. It's bloody rough, it's silly but I'm using it as a diary/behind the scenes type thing. If you enjoy what I make, or just like talking about creativity, then this might be fun for you