Tabletop Blog 8 - Rats & Ruins


Bricks. I love making bricks. It's such a satisfying and easy process of tumbling foam bricks with rocks to texture them.

I'm feeling like I've got tons of more modular terrain at the moment so next thing I want to work on is building bigger pieces. Been inspired by many other accounts on Instagram so I think I need to step my game up, just to keep myself excited.

Starting smallish here but thought I'd build some ruins. Sketched out the plan at work, then got to laying bricks.

Main thing I'm really happy with is the wooden boards! I've used popsicle sticks before for wooden panelling but I much prefer texturing foam instead. Something about the exaggerated scale is very pleasing.

Well, that's about all. Got some more projects I'm thinking of starting soon but not going to push myself too much with hobby stuff. Best to keep it loose.

Oh yes, I have a bunch of rats now. They're sick.

Alright bye.


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