Tabletop Blog 2 - Some weird lil' dudes, go forth!


So here's a quick little update of a few miniatures I've gotten lately.

Got some 3d printed ones and then to balance that, some old school metal guys!

I'm enjoying exploring this world more of weird fantasy miniatures where I can pick up loads of random stuff and have it all makes sense.

The metal miniatures are from a local company too! Eureka minis @eurekamin

They're going to be part of a war party for Forbidden Psalm soon I hope. The metal ones are the Pope Simius (Monkey Pope), MacDougall the Knife (Self explanatory) and Snailhead (I think you get it).

One thing I'm really enjoying about this is trying slightly different approaches to painting with each miniature. Though my quality can vary, it's keeping my interest on painting and helping me learn new techniques quickly.

And big love to @dragon_trappers_lodge for the 3d stuff

The lil' dude with big teeth is an absolute favourite of mine. You can find plenty of their stuff on Etzy which is where I got mine.

That's all for now. Got a lot of other shit going on but wanted to do a quick update on these guys.



New project out, Kelsey Jean & The Bad Health debut EP - Waxing // Waning


Very special gig coming up! Launching my new band!